Reports & Publications
Global Market Research 2019
The 2019 Global Market Research report reviews the size and performance of the market research industry using data collected by national research associations, leading companies, independent analysts, as well as ESOMAR representatives. The report is widely used as a point of reference for business investment plans, growth opportunities, merger and acquisition preparation, research projects, academic theses, market studies and reports, as well as advertisements. This year's report includes the research turnover and growth data of 100 countries, world areas and regions.
1. Highlights
This chapter offers insight on the behaviour of the industry for 2018, looking at results and trends for the world, the world’s regions and the most noteworthy countries, as well as a view on types of clients, methods and projects.
1.1 The top line
1.2 Regional profiles – Europe, North America, Asia Pacific, Latin America, Africa, Middle East
1.3 Five largest markets
1.4 International subcontracting, projects and clients
1.5 Spend by client type
1.6 Spend by research method
1.7 Outlook for 2019
1.8 The total insights market – Two sides of the same coin; the largest areas within the broader insights
2. Article – The modern minefield of political opinion polling
In many ways, it’s getting harder for pollsters to make sense of public opinion in the run-up to elections. If it’s so hard to get the “right” answer is there really any point continuing with pre-election polls?
3. Article – Big data and representativity
We tend to think that vast amounts of data are representative by definition, but that is not necessarily the case. Big data should also be subjected to stress tests. Three experts enlighten us on this topic.
4. Article – What is data science after all, and how human is it?
Data science has been revolutionising the insights industry. But what is it really? Can technology take that next giant leap and actually drive qualitative research? Will it ever be able to predict human behaviour and account for biases?
5. Article – Is market research having a #MeToo moment?
Watching events unfold in Hollywood, it was easy to picture the #MeToo movement as something happening to other people in other places. Market research might not be, a den of machismo that excludes or intimidates women. But speak to women working in different roles and different countries, and a disturbing picture emerges.
6. The Insights Market Development Index – A take on the industry
ESOMAR has consistently tried to present the reality of its countries using the one parameter that seemed to unite them all: turnover. But, what if we were able to create an index that could show anyone the development of the insights industry for any country at a glance.
6.1 The Prices Index
6.2 The Industry Index
6.3 The Representation Index
6.4 ESOMAR’s 2019 IMDI ranking
7. The top global companies
In ESOMAR’s quest to provide useful and actionable insights on the industry, our long-standing Top-10 ranking has now been expanded to represent, not only the 10 largest players within the traditionally defined sector but also an expanded overview of the 20 most influential companies of the insights industry.
7.1 An improved proposition
7.2 The ranking in perspective
7.3 Key financial figures
8. Industry Journal
An overview of the activity of the industry along the course of 2018 until today, showing the main highlights on Mergers, Acquisitions and Sales, Company Developments, Standards and Government Affairs and other noteworthy news.
9. Survey data
Notes on methodology, followed by the global, regional and national figures, growth rates and spend by clients, methods and project types, followed by overall data on GDP growth, and exchange and inflation rates.
9.1 Notes on methodology
9.2 Turnover, growth and per capita data
9.3 Sources of research turnover – domestic / international clients, domestic / international projects, spend by client type
9.4 Spend by research method – quantitative, qualitative, secondary, data and analytics, other –, design and number of employees
9.5 Five-year trend
9.6 GDP Growth Rates 2014-2018, Average exchange rates, Inflation rates 2014-2018