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Country Market Research Report 2020 - Australia

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The 2020 edition of the family of Country Market Research reports presents individual extractions of the overarching Global Market Research report for selected countries. Like its global counterpart, the Country Market Research reports review the size and performance of the market research industry for the country using data collected by either the national research associations, leading companies, independent analysts or the ESOMAR representatives.

The report is widely used as a point of reference for business investment plans, growth opportunities, merger and acquisition preparation, research projects, academic theses, market studies and reports, as well as advertisements. Whereas this report focuses on one specific country and its place within the region, and the world, for information on the research turnover and growth data of all 100 countries, world areas and regions, please consider reviewing the 2020 Global Market Research report.


Table of contents:

  1. Regional Profiles
    This chapter offers insight on the behaviour of the industry for 2019, looking at results and trends for the selected world's region and the most noteworthy countries.
    • 5-year trend of turnover for the region
    • Top-10 fastest growing markets in the region (where applicable)
  2. Country data
    Notes on the evolution of the industry within the country, its most significant strengths, notable opportunities, important weaknesses and critical threats (where available), followed by the global, regional and national figures, growth rates and spend by clients, methods and project types (not all countries may count with the same amount of available information).
    • Turnover, growth and per capita data
    • Expectation for 2020 both including and excluding the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic
    • Subcontracted services, pro-bono research, advisory services
    • Spend by research method – quantitative and qualitative, established and tech-enabled, reporting, other –, research design and project type
    • Sources of research turnover - domestic / international clients, domestic / international projects, spend by client type
  3. Glossary of terms
Prediction Markets
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