Global Market Research 2022
What can I find inside?
The Global Market Research report is projecting a K-shaped market recovery. Performance data shows countries are recovering at different rates and times. Globally, 2021 saw the industry expand 15% from US$ 102 billion to almost US$ 119 billion. The tech-enabled sector is the fastest-growing one of the global Insights Industry in absolute terms, at +18.9%. At a global level, the established sector represents 39% of the total industry, the tech-enabled sector climbs up to 37%, while the reporting sector remains relatively flat at 23% compared to last year. The output of the industry will exceed USD $130 Billion by 2023 after an expected growth rate of 5% in 2022.
More about this report
The Global Market Research 2022 report reviews the size and performance of the data, analytics and market research industry using data collected by national research associations, leading companies, independent analysts, and ESOMAR representatives from more than 105 countries and regions covering 83% of the global industry, and is complemented with ESOMAR’s own independent size estimations. This report is widely used as a point of reference for business investment plans, growth opportunities, merger and acquisition preparation, research projects, academic theses, market studies and reports, as well as advertisements.
Table of contents
1. Highlights
This chapter offers insight on the behaviour of the industry for 2021, looking at global, regional and local results and trends, and invites local associations to provide their commentary on the state of their industry.
1.1. The top line
1.2. Regional profiles
1.2.1. Europe
Commentary by the UK, France and Germany
1.2.2. North America
Commentary by the US and Canada
1.2.3. Asia Pacific
Commentary by China, India and Australia
1.2.4. Latin America
Commentary by Brazil, Mexico and Chile
1.2.5. Africa and, Middle East
Commentary by Nigeria and Tunisia
2. Global Trends
This chapter explores the trends in global data, and looks at the main markets for the Insights Industry, looks at changes in methodologies, and offers a view on the destination of international projects
2.1. Five largest markets
2.1.1. Five largest markets – Established sector
2.1.2. Five largest markets – Tech-enabled sector
2.1.3. Five largest markets – Reporting sector
2.3. Global segmentation of the industry
Overview of the main segments that compose the insights industry
2.4. Destination of multi-country projects
3. Internalising research: a problem for the established industry, an opportunity for SaaS?
The huge shift towards bringing projects in-house, and using tech platforms to deploy them, is causing some hand-wringing about how much research can be done by non-researchers. And what is left for agencies whose work has provided the foundation for good work in the insights sector?
4. The rise of unstructured data analytics
Unstructured data offers many possibilities but also new challenges. There are an increasing number of suppliers specialised in analysing unstructured data. We asked the experts what the role of humans is in the data-obsessed future.
5. ESOMAR's Global Top-50 Insights Companies
Explore ESOMAR’s ranking of Insights Companies, discover the underlying factors that keep the industry moving forward, and the key players who were spotted surfing the wave.
5.1. Drivers of growth
5.1.1. Sectorial recovery
5.1.2. Growth of technology
5.1.3. Consolidation of players
5.1.4. Investment in the industry
5.2. The ranking in perspective
5.2.1. Share of turnover globally
5.2.2. Share per industrial sector
5.2.3. Fastest growing firms
5.2.4. Changes in the ranking
6. The lattice of research methods
Companies and methods rarely go hand in hand. The data required to tackle each research “problem” may be gathered through very diverse methods, and companies were never limited in their usage of them!
6.1. Quantitative/qualitative methods
6.2. Established/tech-enabled methods
6.3. Active/passive methods
7. Project goals and design
An overview of the trend of two areas of the insights business cycle: project types around the world, showing how the purpose of research projects has changed over time, and study design, showing how the different contractual arrangement between parties.
7.1. Project types – purpose for research
7.2. Study design – contractual scope
8. The sources of turnover
Clients decide the success and the fate of their providers. Their requests and requirements dictate which tools will be utilised for a given task. And their available budgets become the industry’s turnover.
8.1. Domestic/international clients
8.2. Type of client
8.2.1. Breakdown of consumer non-durables
8.3. Pro bono research
9. Survey data
Global, regional and national figures until 2021 - including 2022 projections - growth rates, subcontracting levels, comparison with advertising spend, number of employees in the sector and spend by the components that make up data gathering - methodologies, project types, research designs - as well as origin and types of clients - including pro bono research -, ending with the macroeconomic data used in the model.
9.1. Turnover, Growth and Historical Data
9.2. Regional and Country Data
9.3. Data Gathering
9.4. Origin and Types of Clients
9.5. Macroeconomic Data